Archive for 2011

When the Lord speaks...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

As many of you already know today was a little nerve-racking (is that how you even spell that). I had a little break-down last night thinking of all the possibilities after this procedure. I was conflicted whether to feel joy and excitement or not to get my hopes up. My mind kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong. I felt very attacked by the enemy and in that next moment I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Many things may be against you but God is for you." I can't tell you how much peace those words brought me. It was such perfect timing. I shouldn't be surprised because that's just how God is. I was so blessed.

Something else I was really struggling with is whether I share this part of our story. When I wrote on my blog yesterday I didn't share it on Facebook at first. I had so much fear that if people knew our story they would be disappointed if something didn't work out. Like somehow I was in charge of fulfilling this huge task of making a baby. Once again in God's perfect timing He showed up. The Holy Spirit convicted me on my lack of trust in the Lord. Who was I not to share our story and withhold what God is doing in our lives? Moreover, if something "wrong" did happen why would I not let people walk us through that. God has given us community to share in our joys, trials, hurts, and so much more.

Later that night I posted our blog on Facebook. I was so blessed to read your comments. I felt God quietly whispering, "I love you and I want you to walk a life of transparency." Friends like you are sharing in our journey and I couldn't be more thankful for the most important thing you've done, pray. The Lord is good no matter what happens.

So here I am, walking in transparency. I am anxious about the results. I wonder if there is a little life growing inside my tummy. I cried this morning when friends lifted me up in prayer. I struggle with faith and so much more. I don't have it together. What I do have is the promise that God is faithful.

Thank you for your prayers. I am so grateful for you.

Praying for life...


A New Season

Saturday, December 10, 2011

As always, it's been a long time since I last wrote on my blog. Life seems to get the best of me and I become more and more busy. This fall I had the pleasure of starting my lifetime dream of learning American Sign Language (ASL). I will be completing my fall semester this week which I am thrilled about. Through this new dream I have met some amazing people. God has truly blessed me with new friends that I completely treasure.

Because this blog is about our pregnancy journey, I probably should update that part of our lives. Last week, Westin and I started seeing an infertility specialist. It was a world-wind process because in about four days we were able to schedule our first artificial insemination procedure. So, here we are scheduled for artificial insemination tomorrow. I am extremely nervous. We have earnestly prayed for doors to open regarding having a baby and now that this procedure is tomorrow I am having trouble taking it all in.

We are praying for a miracle baby...

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When a good thing becomes something else.

Friday, August 26, 2011

It has been a tough season. There have been many joys in the middle but overall this season of life has been hard. It goes without saying how difficult having a family is. The roller coaster of waiting is indescribable. It seems like with every joy there is a time of grief being reminded every month you are not a mother.

With that said, God has blessed me. I am so thankful God puts people in our lives to give us prospective. This week I had the pleasure of spending time with a friend that God recently brought in my life. She spoke so much truth. Most of this process has been looking at myself and almost feeling sorry that I am not getting what I want. With love and grace she spoke into that. What does it look like to want something so beautiful but not make it an idol? That question has been on my mind ever since we met. God has really convicted me on my attitude(s) towards Him. Who am I to tell God to give me something in my own timing? What right do I have to dictate God's hand over my life?
Earlier this year Pastor Mark spoke on idolatry in which he stated, "An idol is a good thing that becomes a god thing." He also said, "Idols give us identity." How quickly that happens when you're looking only at your own desires and "needs." In a split second our good desires can consume our lives.
I can't imagine what road I would be traveling if God didn't put someone in my life to speak truth. Does that make things easier? No, but it sure puts things in prospective. My treasure has to be in Jesus and him alone. It is my heart that has to change and only Christ has the power to do that. So that is my prayer, that God would change my heart to desire what He wants for my life. I want God's promises not the promises that are never fulfilled by our idols.

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Waiting on the Lord

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I know, it's been a while since I last wrote. There have been a lot of changes in our lives. Westin and I are still walking the journey of one day becoming parents. The challenges are hard. I can't lie and tell you that I don't struggle with the thoughts of never having a baby. The Enemy tries very hard to sneak lies into our thoughts.

Throughout this journey God has always confirmed that we will have a family, in fact, a big family. It's crazy, but there is no doubt in my mind that we will be parents. That promise and assurance from the Lord is enough for me to stand on.

A good friend of mine asked me a question that really put it in perspective for me once again. She said (paraphrasing), "Dorina, how do you deal with wanting something so bad and not getting it from the Lord?" As I began to answer her question God reminded me where we have been and how much He has brought us through.

You see, there was a time that I didn't want kids at all. The world had convinced me that I was going to be a career woman and find my joy in power, success, and being on top. It wasn't long before God turned my world upside down. In the last couple of months God has drastically change my views on marriage, family and where I find real joy. If God had given us a child when I didn't want one, I don't think I would have made it. I am so thankful that God has the ultimate plan and doesn't do everything we ask Him to do on our time.

So what now? I am enjoying the simple things in life. I love being home when Westin comes home from work. I am learning how to cook, really cook. I am loving my new puppy, Buster. He has been such a joy to have around the house. Really, I am learning and enjoying waiting on the Lord. God is good and He will provide.

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Children's Ministry changed my Heart

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Over the past couple of months I've had the privilege of working at Mars Hill Church in the Children's Ministry department as the 9AM Service Lead. When I was asked by a Pastor to consider taking a position in Children's Ministry, I immediately responded no, knowing it would be very difficult for me to serve with children due to the difficulty Westin and I have had trying to conceive a child of our own. God spoke through leadership, telling me this was exactly where He wanted me to serve. God wanted to teach me to trust Him right in the midst of the pain and heartache of infertility.

When I began to serve I saw God's goodness and faithfulness immediately. I thought He was bringing me to serve in a place that would teach me patience, but His work has been much more than that.

Weekly God has broken me of my self-sufficiency. No matter how many times I plan and organize a smooth service of volunteers and leaders, God has allowed mess to happen. In the mess God quietly whispers, "Dorina, I am in control and I will see things through for my glory." That's just what He has done.

God has shown me so many miracles through Children's Ministry. I have met children from all walks of life. Some that now God and others that have never met the Savior. Parents have hugged me in thankfulness for a simple phone call of clarification. God has brought volunteers that heard the Holy Spirit calling them to serve kids that would have never done so in the past. Ever Sunday I get to feel little arms around me excited to see me and be at church. I will never be able to put into words the joy that I feel when a child's face lights up as they walk into church and run to hug me.

Today, God has truly change my heart. I no longer see serving in Children's Ministry as something hard to do. Even though Westin and I don't have a child of our own, we are honored to call many children ours for a couple of hours on Sundays. I realize now that God didn't put me in this job because I am organized and can lead people. He put me here to change my heart. You see, serving in the church is a gift. I pray the Holy Spirit would speak clearly to others to take the leap of faith to start serving somewhere. I know that I would not trade the joy God has given me these last few months.

I am humbled that God would choose me, a broken sinner to be part of His amazing plan.


The Cross

Friday, February 4, 2011

This year I committed to reading the Bible completely. As you may know, usually you read some verses from Psalms about Wisdom, the Pentateuch for History, Chronicles/Prophets and the Gospels and Epistles. Today I read Luke 23, Jesus' death. I sat and imagined the horror and glory of that day. To get an even more detailed picture I watched the scene from The Passion of the Christ movie. I do that because I want to get a good picture in my head of the pain Jesus endured on the cross for me. I picture his blood dripping down his face while carrying all of our sin(s). Why would He love me so much to take all of my sin and give me all of His righteousness in exchange?

It's a beautiful picture, isn't it? I am convinced no one would go back after experiencing God's love and goodness. I have experienced that love and goodness because I have seen the depth of my sin(s). Most would say exposing sin is too hard and you need to hide it, not deal with it. Counselors teach us how to forget and move on from the pain. I have learned it's the exact opposite. It's in the pain and the hard truth that God is revealed. When we are living a life of repentance God's goodness shines. He didn't die for me when and because I was "good." He died because someone had to pay my random. Someone had to pay for all the sins of the world, including mine. As I continue to live a life seeking God I am convicted more and more of my sin. You can't be close to God and not see your sin. He is just too perfect! I am encouraged because as long as I see my sin, I see God's goodness.

"For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life." Romans 5:10

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Evidence of God's grace.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

In a meeting at church this afternoon we were asked to share evidences of God's grace in our lives.

Grace, a word and meaning I was not familiar with until this year. Over the past four months God has been turning my life upside down. There is really no other way to describe what God has been doing other than shaking me to my core.

I never knew what grace was because I didn't think I needed it. You see, when you live a pretty normal life, do good and avoid the really big sins, grace doesn't have meaning. When we don't recognize and repeat of the sin(s) in our lives there is no need for a Savior. As Pastor James says, "No big sin, no big God."

The Holy Spirit started pouring truth in my life revealing I am no better than the murderer in jail, the adulterous husband, or the thief stealing from others. I am the sinner that nailed Jesus to the cross. I am the one that mocked Him while His blood shed for me. I cannot tell you the impact this truth has had on my life. I find myself wondering, "Why did you do it Jesus? Why would you love me enough die for me?" With tears in my eyes I brake down uttering the word why over and over.

Daily I am brought to my knees thanking God for this gift of grace. I need God's grace like everyone else. He could have given me the penalty I deserved, but in His goodness and love He didn't. What good news that is!

I ask the questions Paul asked in Romans, "What shall we say then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?" My answer, like Paul's is by no means.

When the Holy Spirit transformed me, I knew there was reason to celebrate and proclaim it to everyone. This past December during the Advent season I was baptized by my husband and another leader, Kyle at my church, Mars Hill. It is hard to put into words how much this meant to me. This act gave meaning to Paul's words when he writes,

"Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
(Romans 6:3-11 ESV)

I must return to my original question. What are the evidences of God's grace in my life? The evidence is great but above all, I now walk in the light of truth. I do not want to live another day without knowing my need for Christ. I have seen thirty years of my own strength and today I choose dependence on Him, and only Him.

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