Waiting on the Lord

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I know, it's been a while since I last wrote. There have been a lot of changes in our lives. Westin and I are still walking the journey of one day becoming parents. The challenges are hard. I can't lie and tell you that I don't struggle with the thoughts of never having a baby. The Enemy tries very hard to sneak lies into our thoughts.

Throughout this journey God has always confirmed that we will have a family, in fact, a big family. It's crazy, but there is no doubt in my mind that we will be parents. That promise and assurance from the Lord is enough for me to stand on.

A good friend of mine asked me a question that really put it in perspective for me once again. She said (paraphrasing), "Dorina, how do you deal with wanting something so bad and not getting it from the Lord?" As I began to answer her question God reminded me where we have been and how much He has brought us through.

You see, there was a time that I didn't want kids at all. The world had convinced me that I was going to be a career woman and find my joy in power, success, and being on top. It wasn't long before God turned my world upside down. In the last couple of months God has drastically change my views on marriage, family and where I find real joy. If God had given us a child when I didn't want one, I don't think I would have made it. I am so thankful that God has the ultimate plan and doesn't do everything we ask Him to do on our time.

So what now? I am enjoying the simple things in life. I love being home when Westin comes home from work. I am learning how to cook, really cook. I am loving my new puppy, Buster. He has been such a joy to have around the house. Really, I am learning and enjoying waiting on the Lord. God is good and He will provide.

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