Children's Ministry changed my Heart

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Over the past couple of months I've had the privilege of working at Mars Hill Church in the Children's Ministry department as the 9AM Service Lead. When I was asked by a Pastor to consider taking a position in Children's Ministry, I immediately responded no, knowing it would be very difficult for me to serve with children due to the difficulty Westin and I have had trying to conceive a child of our own. God spoke through leadership, telling me this was exactly where He wanted me to serve. God wanted to teach me to trust Him right in the midst of the pain and heartache of infertility.

When I began to serve I saw God's goodness and faithfulness immediately. I thought He was bringing me to serve in a place that would teach me patience, but His work has been much more than that.

Weekly God has broken me of my self-sufficiency. No matter how many times I plan and organize a smooth service of volunteers and leaders, God has allowed mess to happen. In the mess God quietly whispers, "Dorina, I am in control and I will see things through for my glory." That's just what He has done.

God has shown me so many miracles through Children's Ministry. I have met children from all walks of life. Some that now God and others that have never met the Savior. Parents have hugged me in thankfulness for a simple phone call of clarification. God has brought volunteers that heard the Holy Spirit calling them to serve kids that would have never done so in the past. Ever Sunday I get to feel little arms around me excited to see me and be at church. I will never be able to put into words the joy that I feel when a child's face lights up as they walk into church and run to hug me.

Today, God has truly change my heart. I no longer see serving in Children's Ministry as something hard to do. Even though Westin and I don't have a child of our own, we are honored to call many children ours for a couple of hours on Sundays. I realize now that God didn't put me in this job because I am organized and can lead people. He put me here to change my heart. You see, serving in the church is a gift. I pray the Holy Spirit would speak clearly to others to take the leap of faith to start serving somewhere. I know that I would not trade the joy God has given me these last few months.

I am humbled that God would choose me, a broken sinner to be part of His amazing plan.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “Children's Ministry changed my Heart”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this Dorina. I have felt more at peace about Milo going to church and being in the preschool room since you and Westin took over as the leads. Most of last year, Milo would tell me he didn't want to go to church, but now he isn't so fearful and now looks forward to seeing you and Westin every week, even if he still struggles a bit, but Westin's presence has helped alot. He certainly feels quite attached to you both. I am thankful for you guys, and specially due to how God has changed your own heart while serving there.

    I have also really enjoyed being a part of the preschool volunteer team too!

  2. Congratulations I am happy you have found the place where you feel you belong! May I wish you the very best in everything you seek to accomplish

    Erik Sean!
