The thought of a baby...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I woke up early this morning to take my husband to work and then go to babysit a friend's son right after. Every time that 5:10 alarm sounds off I think how having a baby will change my sleeping habits even more. Seriously, I LOVE to sleep. I don't have a full time job right now so sleep is amazing. Does it all really go away when you have a baby? Yeah yeah I know...those of you that have kids are laughing at me know how little sleep you do get. I don't know, I just can't seem to get over the sleep thing. When I sleep in till 10, 11, or whatever my first thought when I wake up is, "Well remember this feeling because it goes aways when you have a baby...sure you still want to do this?" Yep I am not kidding...that's what goes through my mind. Pretty sad huh...the millions of other things I "could" be worrying about...NOPE not me, I worry about sleep.


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4 Responses to “The thought of a baby...”

  1. yep the first year it goes away, but it's really special at the same time. Your tired, but you get to feed your baby at the quietest time. It's a bonding and loving time that flies away too fast.... yes you will be tired, but the bond is amazingly wonderfully worth it.

  2. Dorina, I think it's so great that you are writing a blog about this! My husband and I are also in the exact same place as you. We are ready to have a baby. Though, I cannot believe how many fears I have as well....AND sleep to me is a BIG one too!! LOL! So you are not alone. It's a little scary when you try and imagine it all at once.

  3. Oh YES! You'll be sleep deprived. But from one "sleeper" to another- as they get older, put the cereal and the cereal bowls low and purchase milk in smaller jugs for little hands to handle. Then you'll begin to see your "Z's" again! Not to mention you begin developing their independence..two birds with on stone, right?!

  4. Dori, I totally always thought that before we had our baby. I especially relished sleep-ins and naps and hubby hang out time when I was pregnant. But when you do have baby, it really does suck at first, and you can't help but think... 'when will this be over? this will NEVER be over' but you know, it does get easier and you do get more sleep.
