It has been a tough season. There have been many joys in the middle but overall this season of life has been hard. It goes without saying how difficult having a family is. The roller coaster of waiting is indescribable. It seems like with every joy there is a time of grief being reminded every month you are not a mother.
With that said, God has blessed me. I am so thankful God puts people in our lives to give us prospective. This week I had the pleasure of spending time with a friend that God recently brought in my life. She spoke so much truth. Most of this process has been looking at myself and almost feeling sorry that I am not getting what I want. With love and grace she spoke into that. What does it look like to want something so beautiful but not make it an idol? That question has been on my mind ever since we met. God has really convicted me on my attitude(s) towards Him. Who am I to tell God to give me something in my own timing? What right do I have to dictate God's hand over my life?
Earlier this year Pastor Mark spoke on idolatry in which he stated, "An idol is a good thing that becomes a god thing." He also said, "Idols give us identity." How quickly that happens when you're looking only at your own desires and "needs." In a split second our good desires can consume our lives.
I can't imagine what road I would be traveling if God didn't put someone in my life to speak truth. Does that make things easier? No, but it sure puts things in prospective. My treasure has to be in Jesus and him alone. It is my heart that has to change and only Christ has the power to do that. So that is my prayer, that God would change my heart to desire what He wants for my life. I want God's promises not the promises that are never fulfilled by our idols.
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